
Login and Logout

To log in, click on “Login” in the top right-hand corner and then follow the instructions on the login page. 

To log out, click on your profilicon at the top right and then on “Logout”. 


Lost password

Who to contact if you have forgotten your password for THLx depends on the type of account you have:


Select language

When you are logged in, click on your profile picture at the top right and then on “Language”. You can now select the desired language. All menu and navigation elements will change, but not necessarily the content of the platform. 



Finding courses

You are usually automatically enrolled in your courses. You can find these courses under “My courses”. You can find further courses that you can register for yourself in the “Further education” section on the "Home" page. 


Information for teachers

Outside of the free courses in the “Further education” section, course registration is done manually by the THLx team. Please send a list with the first and last names and e-mail addresses of the desired course participants to


Further questions?

If you have any further questions, please contact